#AIDA Vlog
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kreuzfahrttester · 2 months ago
AIDAsol Weltreise 2024: Vlog Nr. 5 – „Tierisch beste Freunde“
Die AIDAsol Weltreise 2024 begeistert mit unvergesslichen Erlebnissen, und der fünfte Vlog von Reise-Reporter Dave nimmt uns mit auf eine besondere Etappe. Mit dem Titel „Tierisch beste Freunde“ zeigt das Video eine faszinierende Mischung aus atemberaubender Natur, tierischen Begegnungen und kulturellen Highlights. Von Pinguinen bis Kap Hoorn – Abenteuer auf der AIDAsol Der Vlog entführt die…
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freakingnarniadotcom · 3 years ago
here is part 2 of my review, where i go on at length about how much i hate gendou, all the fanfiction i need after that last scene, and every little detail i didn't understand. of which are many. but it's fun, i promise!
WATCH PART 1 FIRST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2g0-RsOYsxo
patreon: http://patreon.com/FreakingNarnia ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/freakingnarnia
OTHER SITES, SOCIALS, ETC: http://kyoudai.net/links
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dancetodayla-blog · 7 years ago
New York Dance Festival coming in February! Current U.S Professional Open latin champions Andrei & Asta with a gorgeous raw Rumba from last #NYDF • • • • • #dancetoday #rumba #newyork #dance #festival #latin #sexy #dancers #champions #aida #wdc #wdsf #dancesport #dancelife #instagood #vlog #smile #love #style #travel (at Brooklyn DanceSport Club)
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iwantogetone · 7 years ago
Today we try Vegan food vs. REAL FOOD! What will taste better?! Smelly Belly TV Merch: http://www.districtlines.com/smellybellytv ↝ Become a smellybellyian Subscribe: … OFFICIAL SOCIAL MEDIA AND LINKS ↝ SMELLY BELLY GAMING: http://www.youtube.com/smellybellygaming ↝ Channel link: http://www.youtube.com/smellybellytv ↝ Instagram ↝…
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frei-und-schwerelos · 4 years ago
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Aida in Concert (2019) -> vlog digging™ for scraps of footage
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mevsimsizcicek · 5 years ago
Selam, takip ettigin youtube kanallarini paylasabilir misin? Paylastigin videolar genellikle cok guzel. O yuzden takip ettigin kanallarinda guzel olacagini dusunuyorum.
Elbette paylaşabilirim. Bu arada teşekkürler sayende takip ettiğim kanalları epey temizledim ve nefes aldım. Hepsi bunlar:
Aida Azlin
Alıntılarla yaşıyorum
Christy and Jones
Elizabeth Grace
Fairyland cottage
Girl in calico
Gizem Altheimer
Heal Your Living
Hello people
Jonna Jinton
Jordan Clark
Kanada’ya Göç
Karavandaki Adam
Living The Life you love
Matt D’Avealla
Nathaniel Drew
Northern Heart
Rhiannon Ashlee Vlogs
Simple Living with Scandish Home
Simply by Christine
Sustainably Vegan
The Minimalists
Youtube Günlüğüm
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ialacthedoor · 4 years ago
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A. I have identified the AIDA Model as the response that best suits to my business because its number of stages are not too long to build a probability that before consumers can reach the purchase stage, I will lose their interest, but is is not too short also not to be able to create a relationship with the target markets. With its stages, specifically attention, interest, and desire -I can use them to build my brand's identity and unique offerings since my promotional activities want to highlight those attributes. The three mentioned stages can give me enough time to create an interactive and persuasive marketing to make the consumers purchase my products. This model also touches both the cognitive and emotional sense of the consumers. Indeed, AIDA has the responses that meet the objectives of my promotional plan.
B. Using the response model you just chose, begin writing your promotional plan to move your customers from a state of no or little awareness to the point where they are ready to purchase.
∆ Create social media accounts and websites to promote my business brand and my products since my target markets are into the digital lifestyle.
∆ Conduct an online launching of my products to generate viewers and to inform them about my brand and products existence.
∆ Create and post videos featuring my products and their specific profiles along with my tagline and advocacy in creating my business.
∆ Create a digital exhibit of succulents in my business’ website. These are photos that will be posted specifically on my blog and do a virtual tour and interaction with my viewers to generate awareness.
∆ Advertise on leading local radio stations, specifically Bombo Radyo and Star FM, to make the local market aware of our brand and products.
∆Post digital posters that highlights the rare and unique characteristics of my products.
∆Create an online forum on my business website where probable consumers can ask specific about my products and chat with others to share ideas specifically all about succulents.
∆Feature the succulents and their ability to be resilient in changing climates and their different hues and shades in a promotional video. It can be entitled, “A day with succulents”.
∆Write articles, trivia, puns, and fun facts about succulents –to spread humor, feed people’s curiosity, and share information at the same time in my business websites.
∆ To feature our succulents on vlogs, blogs, feature article in digital newspaper, and lifestyle shows.
∆Create and post digital posters, infographics, and videos to highlight the environmental benefits of succulents and their positive effects in mental health.
∆Launch new series of my products, examples are: SUCCULENTS AS HEALERS, SUCCULENTS AS AIR PURIFIERS, INTERIOR DESIGN MADE OF LIFE, to generate surprises, wonders, and sense of newness.
∆Associate farming with succulents and their accumulated powers that can keep someone healthy both physically and mentally through “how to do” videos.
∆Present many alternatives that can be offered by succulents: air purifiers, medicinal properties, helping to preserve, and such, that create impact to one’s life, and the fact that it does not take too much attention and money to purchase and propagate using infographics and vlog.
∆ Execute a product placement on a leading morning shoe in television, specifically Unang Hirit of GMA network.
∆Promote my business’ discount offerings, seasonal succulent varieties, offered packages and services in my social media accounts.
∆Post a video testimony of people and their positive experiences with succulents.
∆Conduct online contests all about succulents that will encourage more participants, viewers, and purchasers for my business brand.
∆Conduct an online exhibit about succulents and the photos will be coming from succulent growers to feature their own plants, effort, and satisfaction in cultivation.
P.S. a dose of marketing guidance 📢
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coklatjingga · 5 years ago
2020 (tahun masehi)ku dimulai dengan...rasa syukur masih diberi kesempatan sampai hari ini. Berarti Allah masih kasih kesempatan buat perbaiki diri dari dosa-dosa yang udah numpuk hari-hari yang lalu. Bismillah semoga diberi kemudahan.
Bahagianya lagi awal tahunku (bulan Januari) dibuka dengan kabar dari diriku sendiri. “Hai tahun ini berjuang lagi yuk. Aku mau perbaiki diri lebih maksimal lagi, ninggalin kebiasaan buruk dan mulai ngejar cintanya Allah, semangat ya.”
Step pertama yang aku lakuin buat resolusi tahun ini adalah dengan belajar dari berbagai referensi yang bisa dijadiin pedoman buat jadi pribadi yang lebih baik lagi (duh apa sih kok aku nggak ngerti bahasa sendiri).
Oke-oke, cukup pengantarnya.
Jadi aku nemuin 3 channel youtube yang super duper oke. Insyaa allah. Buat aku belajar. Terutama soal selfcare, mendekat pada Allah, dan belajar bahasa arab. Hal baru tahun ini ya itu belajar bahasa arab. Pengen banget. Walau mau coba belajar sendiri dulu dari buku atau video online.
1. Channelnya Honest Tea Talk season 2. Obrolan 3 perempuan muslim yang selain nambah wawasan, juga bisa buat aku belajar bahasa inggris.
Setelah tahun kemarin selesai Season 1, aku agak sedih kenapa season 2 nya nggak ada. Ternyataaa adaa, mulai januari 2020 ini. 
2. Channelnya Aida Azlin. Aku baru nemu atau tepatnya baru tau akhir 2019 kemarin, baru nonton beberapa vlog tapi kok langsung jatuh cintaaa. Bahasannya ringan, singkat tapi maasya allah padat. Bicara tentang diri dan koneksi dengan Allah. Berhubung aku nggak bisa share linknya (entah kenapa aku emang gaptek kayaknya) :( sedih.
3. Channel belajar bahasa arab yang aku ketemu kemarin. Cara penyampaiannya mudah dipahami. Apalagi buat pemula kayak aku. Hehe. https://www.youtube.com/user/ProgramBISA ----- ini link youtubenya. 
Semoga bermanfaat.
Semangat-semangat, mohon bantu doanya agar aku istiqomah :)
Selamat melangitkan impian, mewujudkan cita-cita .
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imespramesti · 6 years ago
Cerita Sedih
isi kepala setelah umur kepala dua: merasa udah tua dan merasa belum berbuat apa-apa.
Kemarin sempat sedih ketika mendengar ungkapan dari seorang influencer, teh Qoonita, bahwa satuan umur adalah karya. Tahu maksudnya? Intinya adalah tentang kerbermanfaatan dari karya kita yang menjadikan pahala jariyah terus mengalir meski kita telah tiada. 
Saya sedih bukan karena ungkapan itu salah--justru ungkapan ini bener banget--tetapi karena waktu itu pikiran hanya terjebak dengan kata ‘karya’ dan karena setelah bercermin, saya merasa belum membuat karya apa-apa. Haaff...
“Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah, dan janganlah kamu bersedih hati, padahal kamulah orang-orang yang paling tinggi (derajatnya) jika kamu orang-orang yang beriman” (QS. ‘Ali ‘Imran : 139).
Saya bersyukur, alhamdulillah, karena beberapa waktu kemudian Allah mengingatkan saya lewat orang lain. Vlog mingguan yang biasa saya tonton kebetulan keluar, judulnya adalah how to impact. Di dalam vlognya, seorang influencer yang lain lagi, Aida Azlin, menyampaikan bahwa kita nggak perlu bertele-tele dan meng-underestimate diri sendiri ketika ingin memberi pengaruh pada orang lain. Dia menyemangati untuk mulai memberi pengaruh dengan melakukan apa yang kita bisa (sekarang). Salah satu contoh yang terlihat sepele, adalah memuji. Memberi pujian kepada orang lain pada hari yang (siapa tahu) sangat melelahkan baginya, sungguh sangat berarti. Poin penting yang saya garis bawahi adalah jadikan setiap interaksi kita dengan orang lain sebagai peluang untuk memberi pengaruh dan menebar kebaikan.
Setelah itu, saya sadar bahwa kita nggak perlu merasa kecil ketika belum menelurkan banyak karya seperti yang orang lain bisa. Seperti kata Ustadz Muhammad Elvian, yang perlu kita pikirkan adalah dengan apa kita akan melipatgandakan pahala?
Ada yang melipatgandakan dengan meninggalkan berbagai karya, ada yang melipatgandakan dengan mendidik anak yang shalih dan shalihah, dengan mewarisi ilmu bermanfaat kepada murid satu sekolahan, dengan memberi teladan terbaik semasa hidupnya, dan banyaaaak cara lainnya.
Mencari jawabannya memang nggak mudah, tapi seenggak kita sudah tahu apa yang harus dicari. Cari terus meski susah! Don’t settle for what’s easy!!
Sukoharjo, 25 Februari 2019
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sebuahceritaa · 6 years ago
How to make an impact 
Tonight I back to my daily activities, watching Aida azlin's vlog. Hmm, it is reflection for me.
She said that to make an impact, you can start small, with your family, with your friends, with your neighbours and etc. Be sincere and be consistent. There are so many ways to create a positive impact.
Three tips from kak Aida: 1. Start your own Gratitude Girl Gang   You can share about how your daily gratitude 2. Love to compliment people   Rasulullah SAW said "give glad tidings and do not scare away people. Make things easy and do not make things difficult. (HR. Bukhari) 3. Use your skill to help other people
Thank you kak Aida.
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kreuzfahrttester · 3 months ago
AIDAsol Weltreise 2024: Vlog Nr. 1 mit Dave – Der Sprung ins kalte Wasser
AIDA hat das erste Video ihrer neuen Weltreise-Serie veröffentlicht: „AIDAsol Weltreise 2024 | Vlog Nr. 1 mit Dave“. In diesem unterhaltsamen und informativen Beitrag begleitet der Zuschauer den neuen AIDA-Weltreisereporter Dave auf seinem spannenden Weg an Bord der AIDAsol. Der Vlog gibt einen ersten Einblick in die Vorbereitungen zur großen Weltreise und zeigt Daves Anreise nach Rostock, das…
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dznmsr · 4 years ago
“We don’t see the unseen, and we don’t know the unknown”
Only Allah sees and knows these things.
If we just put in the effort,to get to the right direction, to do what’s right and try to be near to Allah, I am more than certain, that wherever he takes us, it will be for our best.
Let Allah do the plannings, it’s not our job.
So, trust “the rainy” episodes of our lives.
If you’re currently going trough a “rainy episode” in your life, then know that,
Allah is diverting you towards something that is better.
We just have to trust Him.
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Source: Aida Azlin’s vlog l Pic: Pinterest
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susantores · 5 years ago
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video
Cosa uso per i vlog? Questa domanda ricorre ogni volta vediamo qualcuno che vuole iniziare a fare video per YouTube ed è in cerca di una videocamera economica.
Su YT vediamo Canon, Nikon, Panasonic…ma chi le consiglia non tiene mai in mente il target audience a cui si rivolge.
La domanda corretta è: “Che tipo di video voglio creare su YouTube?” Se la risposta è, semplici video in cui parlo e spiego i miei temi, beh allora basta la videocamera che abbiamo in tasca.
Lo smartphone che abbiamo è più che capace di creare video di qualità. Non serve sprecare soldi comprando altre fotocamere.
L’unico consiglio è investire in un app che ci dia un po’ più di controllo su luci, bilanciamento di bianco ecc.
Le due alternative sono: Filmic Pro – a pagamento (iOS/Android): https://www.filmicpro.com/
Open Camera – Gratis (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.sourceforge.opencamera&hl=it
La mia personale fotocamera: Google Pixel 2 XL – https://amzn.to/2KLsvQC
La prossima volta che ci vi chiedete quale videocamera economiche usare per fare video su YouTube, guardatevi in tasca!
Il mio NUOVO libro per menti affamate, ora su Amazon: https://espressotriplo.com/grissino
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︎ Scopri le mie tecniche di scrittura persuasiva. È Gratis: http://bit.ly/psicomarketing-corso
Creare una strategia personalizzata per il tuo business con il mio aiuto: http://bit.ly/aida-guida
Social: https://www.facebook.com/EspressoTriplo/ https://instagram.com/angelo.bz/
L’articolo VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video è stato pubblicato su Espresso Triplo.
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video syndicated from https://espressotriplo.com/
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video posted first on https://espressotriplo.com/ VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video published first on https://espressotriplo.com/
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luanapisano · 5 years ago
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video
Cosa uso per i vlog? Questa domanda ricorre ogni volta vediamo qualcuno che vuole iniziare a fare video per YouTube ed è in cerca di una videocamera economica.
Su YT vediamo Canon, Nikon, Panasonic…ma chi le consiglia non tiene mai in mente il target audience a cui si rivolge.
La domanda corretta è: “Che tipo di video voglio creare su YouTube?” Se la risposta è, semplici video in cui parlo e spiego i miei temi, beh allora basta la videocamera che abbiamo in tasca.
Lo smartphone che abbiamo è più che capace di creare video di qualità. Non serve sprecare soldi comprando altre fotocamere.
L’unico consiglio è investire in un app che ci dia un po’ più di controllo su luci, bilanciamento di bianco ecc.
Le due alternative sono: Filmic Pro – a pagamento (iOS/Android): https://www.filmicpro.com/
Open Camera – Gratis (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.sourceforge.opencamera&hl=it
La mia personale fotocamera: Google Pixel 2 XL – https://amzn.to/2KLsvQC
La prossima volta che ci vi chiedete quale videocamera economiche usare per fare video su YouTube, guardatevi in tasca!
Il mio NUOVO libro per menti affamate, ora su Amazon: https://espressotriplo.com/grissino
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︎ Scopri le mie tecniche di scrittura persuasiva. È Gratis: http://bit.ly/psicomarketing-corso
Creare una strategia personalizzata per il tuo business con il mio aiuto: http://bit.ly/aida-guida
Social: https://www.facebook.com/EspressoTriplo/ https://instagram.com/angelo.bz/
L’articolo VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video è stato pubblicato su Espresso Triplo.
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video syndicated from https://espressotriplo.com/
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video posted first on https://espressotriplo.com/
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elainejeanbaptiste · 5 years ago
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video
Cosa uso per i vlog? Questa domanda ricorre ogni volta vediamo qualcuno che vuole iniziare a fare video per YouTube ed è in cerca di una videocamera economica.
Su YT vediamo Canon, Nikon, Panasonic…ma chi le consiglia non tiene mai in mente il target audience a cui si rivolge.
La domanda corretta è: “Che tipo di video voglio creare su YouTube?” Se la risposta è, semplici video in cui parlo e spiego i miei temi, beh allora basta la videocamera che abbiamo in tasca.
Lo smartphone che abbiamo è più che capace di creare video di qualità. Non serve sprecare soldi comprando altre fotocamere.
L’unico consiglio è investire in un app che ci dia un po’ più di controllo su luci, bilanciamento di bianco ecc.
Le due alternative sono: Filmic Pro – a pagamento (iOS/Android): https://www.filmicpro.com/
Open Camera – Gratis (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.sourceforge.opencamera&hl=it
La mia personale fotocamera: Google Pixel 2 XL – https://amzn.to/2KLsvQC
La prossima volta che ci vi chiedete quale videocamera economiche usare per fare video su YouTube, guardatevi in tasca!
Il mio NUOVO libro per menti affamate, ora su Amazon: https://espressotriplo.com/grissino
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︎ Scopri le mie tecniche di scrittura persuasiva. È Gratis: http://bit.ly/psicomarketing-corso
Creare una strategia personalizzata per il tuo business con il mio aiuto: http://bit.ly/aida-guida
Social: https://www.facebook.com/EspressoTriplo/ https://instagram.com/angelo.bz/
L’articolo VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video è stato pubblicato su Espresso Triplo.
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video syndicated from https://espressotriplo.com/
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video syndicated from https://espressotriplo.com/
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video published first on https://espressotriplo.com/
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edwardlearns · 5 years ago
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video
Cosa uso per i vlog? Questa domanda ricorre ogni volta vediamo qualcuno che vuole iniziare a fare video per YouTube ed è in cerca di una videocamera economica.
Su YT vediamo Canon, Nikon, Panasonic…ma chi le consiglia non tiene mai in mente il target audience a cui si rivolge.
La domanda corretta è: “Che tipo di video voglio creare su YouTube?” Se la risposta è, semplici video in cui parlo e spiego i miei temi, beh allora basta la videocamera che abbiamo in tasca.
Lo smartphone che abbiamo è più che capace di creare video di qualità. Non serve sprecare soldi comprando altre fotocamere.
L’unico consiglio è investire in un app che ci dia un po’ più di controllo su luci, bilanciamento di bianco ecc.
Le due alternative sono: Filmic Pro – a pagamento (iOS/Android): https://www.filmicpro.com/
Open Camera – Gratis (Android): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.sourceforge.opencamera&hl=it
La mia personale fotocamera: Google Pixel 2 XL – https://amzn.to/2KLsvQC
La prossima volta che ci vi chiedete quale videocamera economiche usare per fare video su YouTube, guardatevi in tasca!
Il mio NUOVO libro per menti affamate, ora su Amazon: https://espressotriplo.com/grissino
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︎ Scopri le mie tecniche di scrittura persuasiva. È Gratis: http://bit.ly/psicomarketing-corso
Creare una strategia personalizzata per il tuo business con il mio aiuto: http://bit.ly/aida-guida
Social: https://www.facebook.com/EspressoTriplo/ https://instagram.com/angelo.bz/
L’articolo VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video è stato pubblicato su Espresso Triplo.
VLOG su YouTube | La migliore videocamera economica per fare video syndicated from https://espressotriplo.com/
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